No Loss

since 2019

A collection of Poolys celebrating the 4 year anniversary of the PoolTogether protocol.








Superpower Pooly 1/3

No matter if small fish or giant bag holder. PoolTogether is good for all.

Bagholder Pooly is claimable by all historical PoolTogether V4 users.

Superpower Pooly 2/3

Feeling like the most tropical fish in the pool? No worries - Pooly takes you under his wings.

Claimable by all wallets with >$1k deposited at any time.


Superpower Pooly 3/3

Who carries the whales that carry the protocol? Pooly is here for you.

Claimable by all wallets with >$10k deposited at any time.

A collection of free open edition NFTs on Optimism for all historical users of the V4 protocol.

Claim up to three Poolys based on how deep you made it into the pool.

Art credit to @noiamgodzilla

Est 2019. Built forever.